




So here is my problem, I have made a vbscript to target some computers and do wmi queries on them, and my boss wants this data to be put inside a document. The problem is that this document is a .doc document with embedded excel objects inside it. Now I have searched wide and far on google on any way to target and manipulate an object inside and object with OLE, but I seem to be getting nowhere.

So my question to you is if someone has some code for this I could look over or maybe a tutorial, and quite possible even tell me if it is even possible?

+2  A: 

Some notes based on the chart being an embedded Excel object, as first stated.


    Dim wd ''As Word.Applicatio
    Dim shs ''As InlineShapes
    Dim objChart ''As Excel.Chart
    Dim objSheet ''As Excel.Worksheet
    Dim objOLE ''As Excel.Workbook
    Dim NewSrs ''As Series

    Set wd=CreateObject("Word.Application")
    wd.Documents.Open "C:\Docs\Doc1.docm"

    Set shs = wd.ActiveDocument.InlineShapes
    ''Just the one shape in this example

    ''The OLE Object contained
    Set objOLE = shs(1).OLEFormat.Object

    ''The chart and worksheet
    Set objChart = objOLE.Charts("chart1")
    Set objSheet = objOLE.Worksheets("sheet1")

    objSheet.Range("e1") = "NewData"
    objSheet.Range("e2") = 11
    objSheet.Range("e3") = 12

    Set NewSrs = objChart.SeriesCollection.NewSeries

    With NewSrs
        .Name = "=Sheet1!e1"
        .Values = "=Sheet1!e2:e3"
    End With

Notes for MS Graph

''VBA: Reference: Microsoft Graph x.x Object Library
''Graph Object Model: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa198537(office.10).aspx

Dim shs ''As InlineShapes
Dim objDS ''As Graph.DataSheet
Dim objOLE ''As Graph.Chart

    Set shs = ActiveDocument.InlineShapes

    ''The OLE Object contained
    Set objOLE = shs(3).OLEFormat.Object
    Set objDS = objOLE.Application.DataSheet

    ''00=Corners, Row titles = 01,02 ...
    ''Column titles = A0, B0 ...
    ''Cells = A1, B1 ... E9 ...
    objDS.Range("E0") = "New"
    objDS.Range("E1") = 11
    objDS.Range("E2") = 12
    objDS.Range("E3") = 9

Set objDS = Nothing
Set objOLE = Nothing
Set shs = Nothing
Thx, I will run over it tomorrow morning. :)
This might be an odd question, but how do I get the name of the chart and worksheet?(I didden't make the document)Is there a way to target a specific instance instead of a name?
Using objOLE, you need only consider VBA as it applies to Excel, so, for example, you can say variously: `objOLE.Charts.Count` or `Set objChart = objOLE.Charts(1)` or `ChartName = objOLE.Charts(1).Name` Exactly the same thing can be done with worksheets.
Well then it wasn't just me, when I do a "wscript.echo objOLE.Worksheets.Count" with anything but the initial statements commented out, I get an "Object doesn't support this property or method: 'Worksheets'". I have tried to fix this problem, but I can't seem to find out what is causing it?
Is the object contained an Excel chart object or an MS Chart object?
You can try `objOLE.Application` and/or `shs(1).OLEFormat.ClassType` to get information.
It is a chart object that has an underlying worksheet object.The wierdest thing is that it actually targets the first worksheet before crashing. The .ClassType gave me: "MSGraph.Chart.8".
It is not Excel it is MS Graph Chart, the notes are for Excel. I will see what I can do.
Thank you, that would be much appreciated.
[shs(1).Application.DataSheet.Range("a1").Value = "75"]That bit of code right there updates the values of the datasheet. :)Link to the msdn article: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/190239
You beat me to posting. I wanted a complete piece :)
I actually have another problem, I can't seem to be able to choose anything but the first instance of datasheets in the document?
How are you choosing the datasheet and how many are there? I thought MS Graph had one datasheet per chart? Do you mean a different inlineshape?
Yeah, I think I might have figured it out, I forgot to activate the different inlineshapes, doh. :P
+1  A: 

I thought I would share what I came up with in the end, it is a script that checks for the ClassType of the object and uses their respective methods accordingly. It is paired up with an inputbox to let the user select which rows/columns should be checked.

Dim appWord ''Word application object
Dim inshapeSheet ''Inline shapes object
Dim objOLE ''OLE object

Set appWord=CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set inshapeSheet = appWord.ActiveDocument.InlineShapes

Function count_filled_spaces(intOLENo, strRange)
    ''Activates the the inline shape by number(intOLENo) and defines it as the OLE object
    Set objOLE = inshapeSheet(intOLENo).OLEFormat.Object

    ''Detects the ClassType of the inline shape and uses a class specific counter to count which datafields have data
    strClass = inshapeSheet(intOLENo).OLEFormat.ClassType
    i = 0
    If Left(strClass, 8) = "MSGraph." then
        For Each p In objOLE.Application.DataSheet.Range(strRange)
            If p <> "" Then
                i = i+1
            End If
    ElseIf Left(strClass, 6) = "Excel." then
        For Each p In objOLE.Worksheets(1).Range(strRange)
            If p <> "" Then
                i = i+1
            End If
    End if
    count_filled_spaces = i
End Function

strRange = InputBox("Lol", "do eeet", "A1:A10")
wscript.echo count_filled_spaces(1, strRange)
wscript.echo count_filled_spaces(2, strRange)
wscript.echo count_filled_spaces(3, strRange)
