



Hi, folks

Recently,I need run my winforms App on mono for windows platform,But i am using WMI to get MAC address and CPU ID in my original code,switch to Mono for Windows,it does not working. I found that "System.Management.dll" APIs is not implemented in Mono.

How can i do?How to get CPU ID,MAC Address, Hard Disk Serial Number,and Motherboard Serial Number with out WMI?


I don't expect Mono will ever implement code that can communicate with WMI since that is a platform specific API. If you are targeting your software to run on Windows, why not just use the Microsoft .Net runtime? Is there a specific reason you must use Mono?

The simplest answer is just use the Microsoft runtime if you can since you are writing non-platform-independent code.

If you really must use the mono runtime and can not use the Microsoft Implementation of System.Management.dll I think you might be able to get what you want by using Interop Services. Mono can interact with native libraries Also WMI is available by COM interfaces which Mono can also do so you may need to go down that route.

Neither Interop nor COM is going to be as easy as just using System.Management.dll, but it is an alternative.

William Leader