
Unique hardware ID in Mac OS X

Mac OS X development is a fairly new animal for me, and I'm in the process of porting over some software. For software licensing and registration I need to be able to generate some kind of hardware ID. It doesn't have to be anything fancy; Ethernet MAC address, hard drive serial, CPU serial, something like that. I've got it covered on W...

How to fast get Hardware-ID in C#?

I need in my license Program use hardware id ,I tried use WMI,but it still slow . I need Cpu,HDD,Motherboard info. ...

Prevent users from being able to access a webpage via web browser?

My friend and I are working on a program. This program is going to submit GET data to our webpage. However, we don't want users accessing the webpage any other way than the program. We can prevent users from sharing the program using HWID authentication, but nothing prevents them from using a packet scanner to get the URL of the webpage....

What is a hardware-id?

Some forums that I regularly visit sell premium programs, and to prevent them from being leaked they use hardware-id authentication. That is, first they send you a program to run to grab your HWID, you tell them your HWID, they store it in a database, then they send you the actual program. If your HWID isn't in the database, the program...

How to using Mono for windows to Access WMI to get hardware Id?

Hi, folks Recently,I need run my winforms App on mono for windows platform,But i am using WMI to get MAC address and CPU ID in my original code,switch to Mono for Windows,it does not working. I found that "System.Management.dll" APIs is not implemented in Mono. How can i do?How to get CPU ID,MAC Address, Hard Disk Serial Number,and Mot...

Reliable way of generating unique hardware ID

Question: I have to come up with unique ID for each networked client, such that: it (ID) should persist once client software is installed on target computer, and should continue to persist if software is re-installed on same computer and same OS installment, it should not change if hardware configuration is modified in most ways (excep...

HWID locking a PHP page?

Currently I sell a program, that accesses my webpage. The program is HWID (Hard Ware ID) locked, and the only reason I use the program to access the webpage instead of direct access via a webbrowser, is so that I can use HWID authentication. However, I've just been told I can code a script to get computer information, such as hardware I...

Help with Hardware ID

I'm using C# and .NET 2.0. My app needs some way to check the different users so I'll use hardware id, but I saw that I can use only: mac address - easily changeable and not everybody have it // NO processor id - using WMI it returns a value for the cpu model, it's not unique // NO motherboard serial - not every motherboard have it // ...

Translate Apple's model identifiers (MacBookPro5,1) to user-friendly names?

Does Mac OS X have API that translates Apple's model identifiers (the kind found in plists and APIs, e.g., "MacBookPro5,1") to user-friendly marketing names of these devices ("Unibody MacBook Pro Late 2008")? I'm looking for more future-proof solution than simply hardcoding a list. ...

Alternative to MAC Address for tying software to hardware?

Any good alternatives to tying software activation to a hardware piece on the machine beside using the MAC address? Using hard drive serial numbers will not work as they are not always available. Machine GUID is also not always guaranteed from Microsoft from my readings. Any other thoughts? This would be using Microsoft API or technologi...

Best and modern ways of licensing a software

What is the best way of connecting some installed software with a certain computer via internet? I guess each install package (disk) should have its unique serial number. And the serial number should be connected to the computers unique parameters during installation, isn't it? As I know there are some approches that take from computer C...

[C++] Uniquely identify PC based on software/hardware

For a requirement to generate per-PC license keys, I need some code which will return a stable and (near) unique key on any PC. It doesn't have to be guaranteed unique, but close. It does need to be reasonably stable though, so that a given PC always generates the same result unless the hardware is substantially changed. This is for a W...

Generating ID unique to a particular computer

Possible Duplicate: Reliable way of generating unique hardware ID Am trying to generate an ID that will be unique to a particular computer. The ID will not be generated randomly. It will be calculation based, such that the ID generated for computer A will be fixed and unique to computer A. Everytime the program is executed on ...

Get USB serial number using VB.net?

Can anyone tell me how to get USB serial number(Hardware ID) using VB.net? ...

How to detect if my website is relayed through the hosts file or an application

I have an application that connect to my website to verify user data (hardware id), but if somebody puts a line in the windows hosts file, it could be relayed to another site. Then it gets bad data and my app gets cheated (cracked). So, how to detect if my website is relayed through the hosts file or another application? ...