



Using XScalaWT, this compiled under Scala 2.7:

class NodeView(parent: Composite) extends Composite(parent) {
  var nodeName: Label = null

      nodeName = _

With 2.8.0 RC1, I get this error:

type mismatch; found : main.scala.NodeView required: org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label

The types are:

label(setups: (Label => Unit)*)(parent: Composite) : Label
contains(setups: (W => Unit)*) : W

So it looks like _ now binds to the outer function instead of inner.

Is this change intentional?

UPDATE: Here is a minimized example:

Scala 2.7.7:

scala> var i = 0
i: Int = 0

scala> def conv(f: Int => Unit) = if (_:Boolean) f(1) else f(0)    
conv: ((Int) => Unit)(Boolean) => Unit

scala> def foo(g: Boolean => Unit) { g(true) }    
foo: ((Boolean) => Unit)Unit

scala> foo(conv(i = _))    

scala> i    
res4: Int = 1

Scala 2.8.0RC3:

scala> var i = 0
i: Int = 0

scala> def conv(f: Int => Unit) = if (_:Boolean) f(1) else f(0)
conv: (f: (Int) => Unit)(Boolean) => Unit

scala> def foo(g: Boolean => Unit) { g(true) }
foo: (g: (Boolean) => Unit)Unit

scala> foo(conv(i = _))
<console>:9: error: type mismatch;
 found   : Boolean
 required: Int
       foo(conv(i = _))

scala> foo(conv(j => i = j))

scala> i
res3: Int = 1

Interestingly enough, this works:

scala> foo(conv(println _))

I noticed the same thing and asked on Dave's blog:

No answer there yet though. Just as you're saying, it seems like the _ binds to the outer closure rather than the inner one.


nodeName = _


x => nodeName = x

fixes the problem.

Yes, but it hurts the readability of XScalaWT code for me quite a bit.
Alexey Romanov
Yes, sure, and it's really weird that the semantics of _ changed that drastically. I would really like to understand what has happened too.
If you didn't see the answer yet, it isn't the semantics of _ which changed, but of =.
Alexey Romanov
+2  A: 

Here is the answer I got from Lukas Rytz on the scala-user list:

Hi Alexey,

there has been a change in semantics when we introduced named arguments. An expression

foo(a = _)

used to be parsed as follows:

foo(x => a = x)

In 2.8, "a" is treated as a named argument, i.e. the expression is parsed as:

x => foo(a = x)

I will add a migration warning for this change.

Alexey Romanov
In some cases, you might get the old behaviour with curly braces instead.