I want to make a video thumbnail such that the length of the video is pasted on the thumbnail just like we see video thumbnails on YouTube.
Please help, Muhammad Anas Khan.
I want to make a video thumbnail such that the length of the video is pasted on the thumbnail just like we see video thumbnails on YouTube.
Please help, Muhammad Anas Khan.
If you have the thumbnail image and the duration of the video then you have many options to overlay the duration onto the thumbnail image.
One example on the command line is to use ImageMagick: http://www.imagemagick.org/
If you prefer scripting then one way is to use PHP and its imaging capabilities: http://php.net/manual/en/book.image.php
In Ruby you can use the RVideo gem. The branch working with the latest version of ffmpeg is located here: http://github.com/howcast/rvideo
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