I've used the Clang Static Analyzer from the command line before. I wanted to try Xcode's built-in version via Build & Analyze. I never get any negative results even though i specially prepared my code with very obvious issues Clang was always able to point out:
// over-releasing an object:
[label release];
[label release];
// uninitialized vars, allocating but not freeing an object
NSString* str;
int number;
CCLabel* newLabel = [[CCLabel alloc] initWithString:str fontName:str fontSize:number];
[newLabel setPosition:CGPointZero];
The result is always the same: a green checkbox, no issues. I read that C++ code can cause issues. I'm running this with cocos2d that includes box2d. Could this be a cause? Did anyone get results from Build & Analyze with the cocos2d engine? What else could it be?
I also tried enabling the Static Analyzer Build Settings and then Build but the result was the same. I have restarted Xcode, cleaned all targets and emptied Xcode caches to no avail.
UPDATE: my issue could be caused by having added cocos2d as a cross-project reference to my project. Analyzing the cocos2d project itself seperately reveals some analyzer results.
In addition i found out that i get Analyzer results from my RELEASE build configurations but not from DEBUG builds.