



I Have a BB application that gets compiled into 3 siblings cod file. ( actualy one cod fil contaning 3 sub cod files).


which is normal.

the jad refers to those 3 inner .cod files.

Now I have add some feature to my app, it is getting a little bit bigger. the jad now refers to 4 inner .cod files. but there is still 3 inside the app.cod that is generated.

so I now still have


but with the jad referring to app.cod, app-1.cod, app-2.cod, AND app-3.cod.

this is causing OTA download to fail with the following error:

907 invalid COD HTTP Error 404 : not found

what is wrong the my compiled program? is it a bug from the JDE?

I am using JDE 4.5


My assumption is that somehow the jad builder got confused, and maybe it gained a little more space in compression than it expected? either add another image to you application to make it a little larger or you can use

updateJad.exe app.jad

this will update the sizing of the jad file to match everything.

the file is located in the /bin folder with javaloader and other files of your JDE install.

That is what I was doing (using the updateJad.exe) but event this tool is complaining that it can not find the last app-3.cod file.
hmm thats really really strange. How big is the phantom cod according to the jad? I would say for now manually remove the cod, but that is not a good actual solution. Or go with my "add another image" plan