



I am grouping using a formula fCity which goes like this If {X.MailingCity} > "" Then {X.MailingCity} Else {X.City} I have two different fields in my view (Home City and Mailing City)

Now, these fields contain many rural communities and in my report I want to have these smaller rural communities included with the major city it is located near. I created another group (Specified Order) and created the major cities and was attempting to include the rural cities into these groups. IN the end I ended up with many of the communities in "OTHER" category. It was only picking up rural communities from the X.MailingCity field and not X.City or from my formula fCity.

Have I just confused you. If there is someone who understands what I am doing please respond.

+1  A: 

You need to relate rural cities and major cities somehow, then you can just group by major cities (or by formula, returning major city for rural one).
