
User Defined Fields with NHibernate

I need to add a user defined fields feature to an c# application that uses NHibernate. The user must be able to add and remove fields from several objects in the system "on the fly", preferably without any system downtime. One important constraint is that the database schema can't be changed by the user - that is, I can add wha...

How can I build Word fields with VBA

Apart from just inserting and parsing text into a blank Word field, is there any way to programatically build user-defined fields and field codes into my own templates with VBA? Furthermore, is there a way to make these fields show up in the list of available fields? ...

Crystal Reports 8.5 grouping

I am grouping using a formula fCity which goes like this If {X.MailingCity} > "" Then {X.MailingCity} Else {X.City} I have two different fields in my view (Home City and Mailing City) Now, these fields contain many rural communities and in my report I want to have these smaller rural communities included with the major city it is locate...

How would you create and store user-defined custom fields in a SQL database?

I need to allow users to add new fields to a record, e.g. if there is a Contact record, a user may want to add a "SSN" numeric field and a "Birthdate" date/calendar field. They would do this through the UI of course. Those fields should then be available for entry for all contact records. Considering that my application runs for many ...

How best to create custom fields per user/customer?

Hi all, I've got an application which is sold as a SAAS to multiple customers. Predictably, sometimes customers want to customise some areas of the application by adding their own fields, specifically the area relating to Action/Project tracking. We allow a small amount of this currently. It is handled by storing the names of additional...