I have a pdf file that the user has to see and click on the "I agree" button. How do you display a pdf inside a div?
We use this on our website
Its a very customizable to display PDF's directly in your browser. It basically hosts the PDF in a flash object if you are not opposed to that sort of thing.
Here is a sample from our corporate website.
You could create an image thumbnail, and link it to the actual pdf as an inline popup using something like http://orangoo.com/labs/GreyBox/
You cannot, and here is the simple answer.
Every media asset poured into the browser is identified by a mime type name. A browser then makes processing determinations upon that mime type name. If it is image/gif or image/jpeg the browser processes the asset as an image. If it is text/css or text/javascript it is processed as a code asset unless the asset is addressed independent of HTML. PDF is identified as application/pdf. When browsers see application/pdf they immediately switch processing to a plugin software capable of processing that media type. If you attempt to push media of type application/pdf into a div the browser will likely throw an error to the user. Typically files of type application/pdf are linked to directly so that the processing software an intercept the request and process the media independent of the browser.
Yes you can. See the following thread from 2007:
It uses < object >, which can be styled with CSS, and so you can float them, give them borders, etc.
(In the end, I edited my pdf files to remove large borders and converted them to jpg images.)