



Search engines like to crawl and index webpages or URLs, but what if your webpages/URLs have expired content and you do not want them to be indexed after so many days?

Can you put an expiration in the URL and have mod_rewrite 301 redirect pages after a given expiration date?

Or maybe a cron job to add a 301 redirect header to all expired pages?


Just have the 'expired' pages return a 404? I am pretty sure that when Google encounters a 404, it will remove the page.

But a 404 would be a bad user experience that may make users wary of trusting content on the site. A 301 redirect can at least redirect to a page that explains why the content has expired. Also, I believe that a 301 redirect is what tells Google to ReIndex - not sure about the 404
Not always, you could have a dynamic 404 that explains why that specific content is gone.