Hi again,
When trying to do a query using LINQ in VB.net in order to select some employees of a datatable previously filled with a dataset I have a problem when using where clause. What I want is select all the employees of the datatable except those that appear in a list of excluded employees named CurrentExcludedEmployeesLst. So I follow these steps:
1.- First I fill my datatable 'employees' with the dataset. My dataset have a table with threee columns, EMPLID, NAME, DEPT.
Dim employees As DataTable
employees = Me.MyDataset.Tables("EMPLOYEESTABLE")
2.- I build the query:
Dim employeeCollection As EnumerableRowCollection
employeeCollection =
employees.AsEnumerable() _
.Select(Function(employee As DataRow) New With _
{ _
.EMPLID = employee.Field(Of String)("EMPLID"), _
.NAME = employee.Field(Of String)("NAME"), _
.TITLE = employee.Field(Of String)("DEPT") _
}).Where(Function(employee As DataRow) NOT
CurrentExcludedEmployeesLst.Contains(employee.Field(Of String)("EMPLID")))
If I don't put the Where clause it works perfectly. My problem is when I want to filter using Where clause.