




Hi all,

I already use both .live() and .bind('ajaxComplete') to accomplish certain related tasks, but I have found myself wanting to be able to listen for the 'complete' event of a specific DOM element which will call jQuery's .load() at various times.

In this situation I don't want to listen for ALL complete events globally (unless someone can show me how to get the proper target from the event object returned by 'ajaxComplete'). I would like to be able to do something like this:

   // LOCAL complete function

and then somewhere else, attach a handler to listen and execute some other code whenever that ajax call fires and completes:

$('.selector').bind('complete',function(){ ... });

I know that I can use what I indicated above as the "LOCAL complete function" to attach some functionality, but I would like to be able to bind to the complete event from elsewhere in my code - much like I do with other events such as 'click'.

Is there any way to do this? Or must i always make use of the 'complete' event within the context of the load() method?


You were close on your example, see the .load() documentation at jQuery. http://api.jquery.com/load/

$('.selector').load('url.php',function() {
    //Complete function
Dustin Laine
? according to the docs, the load() method takes an optional data object argument..load( url, [ data ], [ complete(responseText, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) ] )EDIT: I'm sorry if the question wasn't clear, edited above thanks

something like ?

  • ajaxComplete : Register a handler to be called when Ajax requests complete. This is an Ajax Event.
$('.selector').ajaxComplete(function() {
  //do something...

and of course for all the Global Ajax Event Handlers:


thanks, but as i mentioned above this is not exactly what i want. although very useful, the ajaxComplete binding listens to ALL Ajax events that happen throughout the DOM. I would like to hone in on just one DOM element
+1  A: 

Just trigger the complete event in your local complete callback:

   // Local handling of the complete event.

$('.selector').bind('complete',function(){ ... });
thank you, this is exactly what i needed! and such a nice simple solution