I'm working with a business intelligence tool that only gives me access to a deeply nested iframe to add code. Ideally I would like to use jQuery and/or plain old JavaScript to modify the left and position CSS of a div that is 3 iframes above my IFRAME.
I have access to add JavaScript/HTML to divArea0_1 within the reportiframe IFRAME. I would like to modify the propdiv DIV contained within the JSTabbedPanel IFRAME. Hopefully the HTML below is legible enough. :) Any ideas or help is greatly appreciated.
<div id = "tabs">
<iframe id = "tabbedPanel">
<iframe id = "JSTabbedPanel">
<div id = "treeTypeDiv">
<div id = "treediv">
<iframe id = "treeFrame"></iframe>
<div id = "propdiv">
<iframe id = "propFrame">
<div id = "reportpane">
<iframe id = "reportiframe">
<div id = "divEntire">
<div id = "divArea0_1">
<div id = "MyCode goes HERE"></div>