



hello, After making the set up of the application(developed using VS 2008 and MS Access) the installation in another system works fine. But whenever I try to change the Password or id(there is a login window which the user need to access to get into the main window) it shows an error sayin "operation must use an updateable query". Can anyOne suggest the remedy?

Thank you, Indranil


Have you checked the permissions are the same for both set-ups? You will need a minimum of read and write permissions on the folder that contains the Access file.

To check permissions, it may be possible to right-click on the file or folder and choose Properties. The Security tab will show the details.

i put the file inside debug, Last night i tried the set up on a friend1 machine(windows7 Os) it worked there efficiently, but not in mine(Vista) neither in another friend2 machine.
Indranil Mutsuddy
Can you step through the code and post the line that it stops on and a few lines around that point?
after i create the setup and then login it works fine, but whenever i try to change the password or username the message is displayed(and that also not in every machines)
Indranil Mutsuddy
however everything works kool when i debug them in VS2008, even the updation part. I am confused.
Indranil Mutsuddy
I have added a note on checking permissions.