I have an entity with Integer attributes that looks like this in proto code:
class MyEntity:
String name
@Choices({1, "BSD", 2, "Apache", 3, "GPL"}
Integer frequency
@ChoicesSegment({1000, 2000, 3000}, {"BSD", "Apache", "GPL"})
Integer type
String getFrequency()
return getChoice("frequency", frequency)
String getType()
return getChoice("type", type)
maybe this solution is more feasible:
class MyEntity:
String name
final static private Something? frequencyChoices = {1000, 2000, 3000}, {"BSD", "Apache", "GPL"}
Integer frequency
final static private String[] typeChoices = new String[] {"BSD", "Apache", "GPL"}
Integer type
String getFrequency()
return frequency)
String getType()
return type
get* accessors return strings according to this table.
value(type) HumanReadableString(type)
2 Apache
min frequency max frequency HumanReadableString(frequency)
0 1000 rare
1000 2000 frequent
2001 3000 sexy
It should be possible to get all possible values that an attribute can take, example:
getChoices(MyEntity, "type") returns ("rare", "frequent", "sexy")
It should be possible to get the bound value from the string:
getValue(MyEntity, "frequency", "sexy") returns (2000,3000)
edit: purpose of all of this This methods should simplify the generation of forms and requests (of course this should not be view implementation bound)
edit: added how I would like to tell Java that some attributes are spécial so that it can generate get* accessors acordingly.
edit: added how to submit in the code the choices
edit: the only thing that I store in the db is integers, when I want to print them they should be converted somehow to their human readable string.
edit: FLOSS ? a brave new world.
thx for all your input I will digg all suggestions to find the best one, I still think that django/python ecosystem is far superior to java's one. Get Inspired.