I'm trying to convert a FreeType2 bitmap to a System::Drawing::Bitmap in C++/CLI. FT_Bitmap has a unsigned char* buffer that contains the data to write.
I believe that the size of byte[] is incorrect and that my data is truncated.
Any hints/tips/ideas on what is going on here would be greatly appreciated. Links to articles explaining byte layout and pixel formats etc. would be helpful.
C++/CLI code.
FT_Bitmap *bitmap = &face->glyph->bitmap;
int width = (face->bitmap->metrics.width / 64);
int height = (face->bitmap->metrics.height / 64);
// must be aligned on a 32 bit boundary or 4 bytes
int depth = 8;
int stride = ((width * depth + 31) & ~31) >> 3;
int bytes = (int)(stride * height);
// as *.bmp
array<Byte>^ values = gcnew array<Byte>(bytes);
Marshal::Copy((IntPtr)glyph->buffer, values, 0, bytes);
Bitmap^ systemBitmap = gcnew Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat::Format24bppRgb);
// create bitmap data, lock pixels to be written.
BitmapData^ bitmapData = systemBitmap->LockBits(Rectangle(0, 0, width, height), ImageLockMode::WriteOnly, bitmap->PixelFormat);
Marshal::Copy(values, 0, bitmapData->Scan0, bytes);
Update. Changed PixelFormat to 8bppIndexed.
FT_Bitmap *bitmap = &face->glyph->bitmap;
// stride must be aligned on a 32 bit boundary or 4 bytes
int depth = 8;
int stride = ((width * depth + 31) & ~31) >> 3;
int bytes = (int)(stride * height);
target = gcnew Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat::Format8bppIndexed);
// create bitmap data, lock pixels to be written.
BitmapData^ bitmapData = target->LockBits(Rectangle(0, 0, width, height), ImageLockMode::WriteOnly, target->PixelFormat);
array<Byte>^ values = gcnew array<Byte>(bytes);
Marshal::Copy((IntPtr)bitmap->buffer, values, 0, bytes);
Marshal::Copy(values, 0, bitmapData->Scan0, bytes);