
adding text to TIFF

I need to add text string to a TIFF image. I am planning to use libTIFF for editing the TIFF image. The plan is to convert text to image using freetype2 and then somehow render the text image on to TIFF. Is this the right approach? Any pointers on how to convert text to image? I saw the sample code of ft2 - initialising the library, cre...

Is there a decent OpenGL text drawing library for the iPhone SDK?

I'm trying to figure out a simple to draw some text in OpenGL. My research has shown its a fairly complex task. It involves creating (or generating at runtime) a font atlas texture, and then creating a quad for each letter with just the right placement and texture coordinates. I've heard some good things about freetype, but have found...

TrueType parsing in Java?

Is there a simple library that can parse a True Type font file and give me a list of vectors/points for me to render it myself? I'm talking about something similar to freetype, but for Java. ...

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lfreetype qt

Hello, Compiling on Fedora 10. I am using qt for the first time. I started by creating a simple GUI application with all the default settings. When I tried to build the project I got the following error messages. However, when I did a search for -lfreetype I found it in the following directory. /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/libfr...

How can I determine all the codepoints that do not have glyphs in a font using FreeType?

This question is closely related to However, I am looking for a solution that does not use the Windows API. Freetype in particular looks promising, and I was wondering if anyone familiar with it could provide poin...

Matplotlib Build Problem: Error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'ft2build.h'

ft2build.h is located here: C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\include Initially, I made the same mistake as here: but since then, I've corrected that particular error (I've added the above directory to the "include" list, ra...

Accessing font kerning information in Java2D

Little background.. I'm in the process of making an OpenGL game using Java and LWJGL. I've written a TextRenderer-class that renders text using cached pages of glyphs. The glyphs itself are rendered in Java2D to BufferedImages and packed into texture pages along with the glyph measurements. TextRenderer draws the characters as textured ...

SDL: Initializng TTF problems. Possibly freetype?

Edited: Look at comments below. Short version: Screen simply flashes when I try to run program. int main(int argc, char** args) { bool quit = false; std::ofstream out("error.txt"); if(init() == false) { return 1; } if (load_files() == false) { return 1; } // Render the text me...

How to have subpixel rendering of font for LCD (cleartype on windows) on linux ?

Hi SO Friends, I am working on embedded system, with own windowing system and rendering library. Before someday when I installed Ubuntu, to my surprise it has LCD subpixel rendering. It really looks cool to have it on my device. Because it is very readable. Currently I ask for particular glyph in freetype, freetype gives me one memory ...

Unicode issue with freetype (C)

Hi guys, I currently working on a library for the NekoVM to create a binding to Freetype 2. It is written in plain c and it all works really nice, except when the user enters some unicode chars like "ü", "Ä" or "ß" they will be transformed into to some ugly square-like letters. When I recieve the data from the NekoVM you use val_string ...

How do I fix Perl's Font::FreeType compilation errors?

I am trying to install the Perl module Font::FreeType on a CentOS linux box using cpan. I run sudo cpan and inside the cpan shell I run install Font::FreeType. However make fails as follows: Writing Makefile for Font::FreeType cp lib/Font/ blib/lib/Font/ cp lib/Font/FreeType/ blib/lib/Font/FreeType/ c...

What am I missing in my compilation / linking stage of this C++ FreeType GLFW application?

g++ -framework OpenGL GLFT_Font.cpp test.cpp -o test -Wall -pedantic -lglfw -lfreetype - pthread `freetype-config --cflags` Undefined symbols: "_GetEventKind", referenced from: __glfwKeyEventHandler in libglfw.a(macosx_window.o) __glfwMouseEventHandler in libglfw.a(macosx_window.o) __glfwWindowEventHandler in libg...

Problem rendering non-English unicode text using freetype font on OpenGL

I am currently following NeHe tutorial lesson 43 ( The code works satisfactorily only for English text, not Unicoded languages. Fortunately, I follow a link from NeHe lesson 43 to and found another identical tutorial sam...

CGImage from byte array

Loading a CGImage or NSImage from a file using a standard image format (jpeg, gif, png et.) is all very simple. However, I now need to create a CGImage from an array in bytes in memory generated using libfreetype. Its really easy to create OpenGL textures from an array of formatted bytes, and I can see how to create a CGBitmapContext t...

Disappearing characters in cairo font rendering

I use cairo to render a simple text onto a cairo surface. I use a freetype font for that (Vera.ttf if that matters). It works, but sometimes characters disappear from the output. In fact only the numbers. I drew a text 'Demostream 1..' and sometimes the '1' disappears from the output and I have absolutely no idea why. The number is defit...

Problem with Freetype and OpenGL

Hey, i'm having a weird issue with drawing text in openGL loaded with the Freetype 2 library. Here is a screenshot of what I'm seeing. Here are my code bits for loading and rendering my text. class Font { Font(const String& filename) { if (FT_New_Face(Font::ftLibrary, "arial.ttf", 0, &mFace)) { cout << "UH OH...

OpenGl texture mapping blocking colours on FreeType?

I'm using FreeType in order to allow fonts to be used in OpenGL. However, I'm having a problem where I cannot change the font colour whenever I do texture mapping. No matter what I select using glColor3f it will just come out white. The texture works fine. glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); glLoadIdentity(); glColor3f(0.5,0.0,0.5); glPushM...

Compiling Freetype for iPhone SDK (XCode)

I was wondering if anyone knew how to configure FreeType in XCode for the iPhone SDK. I have been trying with no success. Thanks ...

unsigned char* buffer (FreeType2 Bitmap) to System::Drawing::Bitmap.

Hi, I'm trying to convert a FreeType2 bitmap to a System::Drawing::Bitmap in C++/CLI. FT_Bitmap has a unsigned char* buffer that contains the data to write. I believe that the size of byte[] is incorrect and that my data is truncated. Any hints/tips/ideas on what is going on here would be greatly appreciated. Links to articles ex...

Has FreeType been ported to C#?

I'm looking for a native implementation of the FreeType library in C#, but not a .NET bindings around the FreeType DLL. ...