
How to fix ImportError in matplotlib

I compiled matplotlib on a mac running snow leopard only to find that when I import matplotlib.pyplot I get the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/", line 6, in <module> fro...

Imagettftext like C function

I need to implement a functionality similar to PHP's imagettftext function. I need to enter a text and output a bmp image based on that. I already looked at freetype but it converts character by character and is not suitable to convert the whole text to an image. I am stuck at the moment. How can I access the source code of imagettftext ...

Using a code without compiling it to a library

Hi, My question may be silly, but I need to use a library from its source code without compiling it to a library form first. The tool in question is FreeType. Is this possible? ...

FreeType manual integration

Hi, I am trying to run a program that manually uses FreeType. I should not compile FreeType to a library but use source code directly. At the moment I can compile my code with no errors. However, when I run my program on Ubuntu it gives a segmentation fault. I believe the problem is related to module structure. I am using FreeType to co...

Using FreeType in C#

How can I use freetype library in C#. Can I get the graphical information of any character using freetype?(Ex. lineto, curveto, etc). I want to use such command to draw them on my bitmap after some processing. How to use FT_Outline_Funcs (

Font enumeration on Windows

We're currently using fontconfig for enumerating and matching/selecting fonts on windows. FreeType is used for rendering. It's a bit of a pain, because fontconfig's cache needs to be initialized at least once for every user and installation. And that can take a long time. Windows also seems to provide an interface for font enumeration. ...

how to interpret a freetype glyph outline when the first point on the contour is off curve

I'm actually working on a renderer that converts freetype glyphs into polylines to control a laser marking system. The problem I have is that I don't know how to handle correctly a contour beginning with an off curve point (99.9% begin with on curve points!). I've searched quite a while now for informations but I couldn't find anything u...

need help with freetype2 on mac

I downloaded freetype-2.4.2 on my mac and ran the three commands: ./configure make make install those commands worked without any errors and i can see a bunch of freetype files in /usr/local here are my questions: how can i verify that i am done installing freetype? i was assuming i could do a "man freetype" from any directory in t...

FreeType patent issue?

Hello all, Most other systems use the FreeType library, which falls somewhere between Microsoft's and Apple's implementations; it supports hinting and anti-aliasing, and optionally performs subpixel rendering. Due to problems with patent licensing, many binary distributio...

Libtool think that a "library was moved" but it isn't the case...

Hello all, I am currently recompiling gtk+ and dependencies from source (I have no other choices). All my custom packages are installed in a specific custom point (let's call it /packages) (it can seem odd but this time again, I have no other choices). When I try to recompile pango, it needs freetype. Freetype is already installed in ...

opengl es texture atlas for text

I need help on understanding the workflow for rendering text in opengl es using a texture atlas. This is for an iphone game. I've read this already: What tools do I use to generate the texture atlas image? Do I need freetype for ...

Problem rendering characters with Freetype and OpenGL.

Hello Everyone, I've trying to develop a simple 2D game engine and I need to be able to draw text, so I decided to use the famous, freetype library. My current goal is to render every character from 0 to 255, and store the appropriate information in a glyph object, top and left positions of the character, width and height and an OpenGL ...