
Big images with cairo

I have to render a very big image (>50.000² pixel) with cairo. To do this without running out of memory I render parts of the image (<1.000² pixel) one after another and merge them together later. Create 1000x1000 Surface Translate to position of the current part Draw image (calling the drawing instructions using pycairo) Render/Save i...

Is there a Python library for easily writing zoomable UI's?

My next work is going to be heavily focused on working with data that is best understood when organized on a two-dimensional zoomable plane or canvas, instead of using lists and property forms. The library can be based on OpenGL, GTK+ or Cairo. It should allow me to: build widgets out of vector shapes and text (perhaps even SVG based?...

Render PyCairo onto PyOpenGL surface?

I've recently started playing with pycairo - is it easy enough to render this to an pyopengl surface (e.g. on the side of a cube?)... my opengl is really non-existant so I'm not sure the best way to go about this. ...

Boolean Operations on Cairo Paths?

Is there any way to build paths in Cairo by combining two paths together through Boolean operations such as Union, Difference, and Intersection? I'm working on a vector graphics application that uses Cairo to do its rendering and would like to give my users the ability to combine paths together in this manner, but I can't find a way to d...

What is the fasted way to draw an image in Gtk+?

I have an image/pixbuf that I want to draw into a gtk.DrawingArea and refresh frequently, so the blitting operation has to be fast. Doing it the easy way: def __init__(self): self.drawing_area = gtk.DrawingArea() self.image = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file("image.png") def area_expose_cb(self, area, event): self.drawing_area.window...

how to easily create videos in c from a series of cairo canvases?

I'm writing some physics simulations in c for university, and now I output a series of hundreds of png that I then watch in fast sequence... is there a way to merge them to a video in c with some simple lossless codec library? P.S. I'm using cairo graphics and have very little experience in graphics programming in general ...

How to resize svg image file using librsvg Python binding

When rasterizing svg file, I would like to be able to set width and height for the resulting png file. With the following code, only the canvas is set to the desired width and height, the actual image content with the original svg file dimension is rendered in the top left corner on the (500, 600) canvas. import cairo import rsvg WIDT...

Small example on getting Cairo graphics to work with MFC?

I have some legacy MFC apps, and I'd like to use the Cairo drawing engine to add some charts and graphs. I'm searching for a small example of how to get that to work. Basically, once I've created a PNG or GIF file, how do I get that show up in an MFC CView window? My google-fu is not finding any good clues. ...

svg example in C/C++

Hi, Can someone provide an example of how to load a .svg file and display it using C/C++ and any library? I'm wondering if you will use SDL, cairo, or what. ...

How to install pycairo on osx?

I am trying to install the pycairo (Python bindings for the cairo graphics library) under OSX. I started with easy_install pycairo and got: Requested 'cairo >= 1.8.8' but version of cairo is 1.0.4 error: Setup script exited with Error: cairo >= 1.8.8 not found So I went to cairo's site and downloaded the latest package (1.8.8) o...

C# wrapper to Cairo library

Hello Everybody, Does anybody have a C# wrapper for Cairo library? I need it to use to render PDF files previews on my program (in Windows and Mac under Mono). Or please drop a link to this one. Thanks in advance! -- Best Regards, Murat ...

Cairo test if text overlaps

Using Cairo, I'm placing some text at random positions, and I need to know if they overlap some previously drawn arbitrary shapes. I could clip the path to the previous drawings, and if any clipping occurs it means that there is overlap. However, Cairo doesn't seem to have any functions to tell if clipping did occur or not. Is there any...

Cairo and Qt integration

Hi. I want to use Cairo graphics library whith Qt, but I can't find any documenattion. I just want to make the GUI whith Qt and use Cairo for drawing graphics in a Qt window. Thanks. ...

Widget Transparency in PyGTK?

What is the best way to have transparency of specific widgets in a PyGTK application? I do not want to use themes because the transparency of each of the widgets will be changing through animation. The only thing I can find is to use cairo to draw widgets with an Alpha, but I can't figure out how to do this. Is there perhaps a better wa...

wxGraphicsContext dreadfully slow on Windows

I've implemented a plotter using wxGraphicsContext. The development was done using wxGTK, and the graphics was very fast. Then I switched to Windows (XP) using wxWidgets 2.9.0. And the same code is extremely slow. It takes about 350 ms to render a frame. Since the user is able to drag the plotter with the mouse to navigate it feels very...

OpenGL texture won't map - white square?

Alright, so I'm using cairo to turn an SVG into image data for openGL textures. That part works. But now the texture I'm using won't map to the quad I'm making. It's just showing up as a blank square. Is there something up with the order I'm calling things in or is there some secret function I forgot to use? const int SCREEN_WIDTH =...

Simple C++ Graphics Library

Any suggestions for a simple C++ library I can use to create an image to a specified size, with either a fixed rgb colour value or ideally supporting gradients. Needs to work on Windows and ideally but not required to work on OS X as well. I've found Cairo, but just wondered if there was anything else as it seems quite simple what I re...

How do I do text wrapping in pyCairo + Pango?

What I need pyCairo to do is : generate an image of size 100x100 containing some text and an image from filesystem as background the text should be within a box which has text wrapping of size 20x20 with bottom left corner at (40,40). save this image ...

[Win32] Font rendering problems using Pango + Cairo + Fontconfig using Visual Studio, under GCC works fine

Hi all! I have a big problem, and I hope you can help me. I'm porting a game from Linux to Windows, and using MinGW works fine (except for some crashes that I don't know how, but this is not my problem now) Game use Fontconfig (2.4.2-3), Cairo (1.8.8) and Pango (1.26.0) to render text. Problem is that, using Visual Studio, I can't se...

Building Cairo for Windows with MinGW (Problems linking libpng)

I'm trying to build cairo on Windows using MinGW (and MSYS). I am following the instrucions on Compiling GTK+ 2.16.4 for Windows, except that I'm using the latest versions whenever possible, i.e: zlib-1.2.3 libpng-1.2.42 pixman-0.17.4 cairo-1.8.8 This works pretty well up until when I try to build the actual cairo. The configuration ...