Ok, I'm reading through a file now, line by line. I know each functions name in the file, since it is defined elsewhere in an XML document. That is what should be this:
function function_name
Where function_name is the name of the function.
I get all of the function definitions from an XML document that I already have put into an array of function names, and I need to grab just those functions from the php file. And rebuild that php file so that it only has those functions in it. That is to say, if a php file has more functions than what is defined in the XML tag, than I need to strip out those functions, and rewrite the .php file with only the functions that the user specified in the XML file.
So, the dilemma I face is how to determine the END of a function reading line by line, and I'm aware that functions can have functions within them. So I don't want to remove the functions within them. Just functions that are standalone and aren't defined within the accompanying XML file. Any ideas on how to do this??
Ok, I'm using the following function now:
//!!! - Used to grab the contents of all functions within a file with the functions array.
function get_functions($source, $functions = array())
global $txt;
if (!file_exists($source) || !is_readable($source))
return '';
$tokens = token_get_all(file_get_contents($source));
foreach($functions as $funcName)
for($i=0,$z=count($tokens); $i<$z; $i++)
if (is_array($tokens[$i]) && $tokens[$i][0] == T_FUNCTION && is_array($tokens[$i+1]) && $tokens[$i+1][0] == T_WHITESPACE && is_array($tokens[$i+2]) && $tokens[$i+2][1] == $funcName)
$accumulator = array();
// collect tokens from function head through opening brace
while($tokens[$i] != '{' && ($i < $z)) {
$accumulator[] = is_array($tokens[$i]) ? $tokens[$i][1] : $tokens[$i];
if($i == $z) {
// handle error
fatal_error($txt['error_occurred'], false);
} else {
// note, accumulate, and position index past brace
$braceDepth = 1;
$accumulator[] = '{';
while($braceDepth > 0 && ($i < $z)) {
$accumulator[] = $tokens[$i][1];
else {
$accumulator[] = $tokens[i];
if($tokens[$i] == '{') $braceDepth++;
else if($tokens[i] == '}') $braceDepth--;
$functionSrc = implode(null,$accumulator);
return $functionSrc;
OK, so it takes this php files content:
function module_testing($params)
// Is it installed?
$test_param = !isset($params['test_param']) ? 'Testing Testing 1 2 3!' : $params['test_param'];
// Grab the params, if they exist.
if (is_array($params))
echo $test_param;
// Throw an error.
and changes it like so:
function module_testing($params)
// Is it installed?
$test_param isset$params'test_param' 'Testing Testing 1 2 3!' $params'test_param'
// Grab the params, if they exist.
if is_array$params
echo $test_param
// Throw an error.
As you can see it took a whole bunch of stuff outta here. And the last closing bracket is missing... All I need to do is check if the function exists in here function module_testing
, and grab the entire function and write it to the same file. Seems simple enough, but WoW, this is some major coding for just this minor thing IMO...
Or I could also check if a function is defined in here that isn't within the $functions array, if so, than just remove that function. Perhaps it's easier with this approach instead??
Thanks :)