



I have a number of files that contain data in a format I am not familiar with. All of the data files begin with the same byte sequence, presumably a file header, and the sequence is "URES". I'm assuming that these files are some kind of resource file, perhaps a collection of data or other files all embedded into one file; that's just a guess however.

Does anyone know what format this is/might be?

If so, how would I interrogate the file? Are there applications that let me open these kind of files? Do you know of any libraries or APIs that I can use to gain programmatic access the data?

+1  A: 

Have you tried running the unix file command on it?

I'm using Windows, so no, I have not run the 'file' command. What would that have done for me?
This command is used for identifying files. It has a huge database of signatures and magic bytes, so chances were that it knew about your file.

maybe its something from the Universal Resource Editor (URE) that comes with the OS/2 Toolkit? just a guess...


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