To implement something like 'Model.previous', the class itself would have to have a 'current' state. That would make sense if the 'current' record (perhaps in a publishing scheduling system?) was Record3 in your example, but your example doesn't suggest this.
If you want to take an instance of a model and get the next or previous record, the following is a simple example:
class Page < ActiveRecord::Base
def previous(offset = 0)
self.class.first(:conditions => ['id < ?', self.id], :limit => 1, :offset => offset, :order => "id DESC")
def next(offset = 0)
self.class.first(:conditions => ['id > ?', self.id], :limit => 1, :offset => offset, :order => "id ASC")
If so you could do something like:
@page = Page.find(4)
Also working would be:
Obviously, this assumes that the idea of 'next' and 'previous' is by the 'id' field, which probably wouldn't extend very well over the life of an application.
If you did want to use this on the class, you could perhaps extend this into a named scope that takes the 'current' record as an argument. Something like this:
named_scope :previous, lambda { |current, offset| { :conditions => ['id < ?', current], :limit => 1, :offset => offset, :order => "id DESC" }}
Which means you could call:
Where '4' is the id of the record you want to start on, and 1 is the number you want to navigate back.