



I Want to exit ssh:

How does the below line work:

ssh -f -T ${USAGE_2_USER}@${USAGE_2_HOST}

Or do i need to write it some other way . Please tell should I use exit with ssh an how?

I am using ssh in my script . I want to exit from it after the execution of it, with out showing them up in the proccess.

+1  A: 

Your question is very vauge, so I will answer it based on what you asked.

ssh -f -T ${USAGE_2_USER}@${USAGE_2_HOST} ${CMD}

this would ssh as the user assigned to ${USAGE_2_USER} to the host assigned to ${USAGE_2_HOST} and then run whatever you have assigned to ${CMD} and then return the output and then exit.

risk@DockMaster:~$ ssh oracle@orc017a uptime
 13:17:41 up 9 days, 13:54,  7 users,  load average: 1.67, 2.19, 2.11

As a side note is the -f -T needed?
