




i try to install my C# program on Windows 7 64bit and i got error.

i need to install MDAC and ActiveSync on computer.

from where i can download MDAC (that fit for Win-7 64 bit) and ActiveSync ?

thank's in advance


MDAC and ActiveSync were replaced in Windows Vista (and Windows 7) with Windows DAC and Windows Mobile Device Center. Windows DAC (and Windows Mobile Device Center) is bundled with Windows Vista (and Windows 7), and shouldn't need reinstallation.

The MDAC FAQ mentions that applications often use the wrong version of MSADO15.DLL; that might be your problem.

Alternatively, the problem might be that you're linking to 32-bit components from a platform-neutral application, which, on a 64-bit platform, is 64 bits.

If that's the case, you have two options:

  1. Rebuild your application specifying 'x86' as the build type, instead of 'anycpu', or
  2. Change the executable flags on your application to force 32-bit mode.
Eric Brown