



I am looking for some comments on Magnolia CMS. Is there anybody out there having experience on Magnolia and willing to tell about? I am interested in comments like usability, how fast to start with, potential problems, advantages, disadvantages (in comparison to other open source CMS). E.g. I could not find out if Magnolia is able to use MySQL data or not. Reason for my question is we need to build a community platform offering content, wiki, blog, news and user message exchange and all that stuff. I have some experience on Joomla but not on Magnolia. Any hints, comments, critics, warnings, recommendations are welcome! Thank you very much! Alex

BTW: I already found which is a good starting point to identify features.


You might want to ask this question on the Magnolia user-list where those that work on Magnolia projects will see it.

And yes, Magnolia is able to use pretty much any database as its persistence layer.
