





Let's consider that I want to extend an existing JSF component, such as the <rich:datatable/>. My main requirement is to dynamically modify the content of a <f:facet>, to change its content.

What is the best way to achieve that? Or where is the best place in the code to achieve that?

In my faces-config.xml, I have the following declaration:


Also, my my-project.taglib.xml file (as I use Facelets) looks like:


So as you can see, I have two classes in my project for my custom datatable: MyHtmlDataTable and MyDataTableRenderer. One of my idea is to modify the content of the <f:facet> directly in the doEncodeBegin() method of my renderer. This is working (in fact almost working), but I don't really think that's the better place to achieve my modification.

What do you think?

Technical information: JSF 1.2, Facelets, Richfaces 3.3.2, Java 1.6


I guess you can call getFacet(facetName) and make the modifications on the returned component.

You can override getFacets() (and/or getFacet(..)), call the super method and make the modifications on the returned value, and then return it.

Yes, that's exactly what I do, but my question is to know where I have to do that? Because for the moment, I do the modification on the renderer class, during the RENDER_VIEW phase, but I am not fully satisfied with this solution...
see my update .