- What is Terracotta?
- What services does it offer?
- What problems does it solve?
- What other products solve problems similar to those that Terracotta solves?
3Find a great article about Terracotta and how it works at InfoQ written directly by Orion Letizi, co-founder and software engineer at Terracotta:
It helped me to prepare for a webcast about terracotta and how it can be used for clustering and scaling grails applications and gave me a good overview about Terracotta.
I found an article in JavaWorld about Terracotta at http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-01-2009/jw-01-osjp-terracotta.html.
What other products solve problems similar to those that Terracotta solves?
Try Hazelcast, It is super simple to use. Peer to peer, highly scalable, fully open source clustering technology for Java. It is simply distributed Map, Queue, MultiMap, ExecutorService. You can use its Map as a distributed cache.