




dear all, i have created one hyperlink, and by clicking on that i am redirecting the page to another JSP, but i am not getting the correct URL that i am passing, URL is appended with another string and the page is not redirected,

please anybody have any idea about that, help me out

  <td align='<%=lstrColAlign%>' class="<%=tdclass%> Label2"  
   <a  href="#" onclick="JavaScript:window.open( '<%=columnUrl%>','newwindow','top=0, left=0,   
             scrollbars=yes,status=1,resizable=yes,height= (screen.availHeight - 10),
             width= (screen.availWidth-5)')"> <%=rb.getDataValue(data)%></a>

where i should get


but instead of that i am getting


so, extra word servlet/ is appended


It seems like your <%=columnUrl> variable is getting


And from your calling JSP, it's appending context path automatically..

Debug your columnUrl variable first and change that variable value to relative by updating it to ../context/page.jsp should works for you.

+1  A: 

Relative URL's without a leading slash are relative to the current context. I.e. if the current URL in the browser address bar is http://example.com/context/index.jsp and the relative URL to be opened from the current context is context/page.jsp, then the final URL would be http://example.com/context/context/page.jsp.

There are several ways to fix this:

  1. Remove the same context in the relative URL, so that it ends as page.jsp.
  2. Add a leading slash so that it becomes relative to the domain root: /context/page.jsp.
  3. Make it an absolute URL instead: http://example.com/context/page.jsp.
  4. Bring the context of the relative URL one step back: ../context/page.jsp.

It works all the same way as with disk filesystem paths.
