RE comment
That's what i was suggesting, for example save the following as a .reg and import it
@="URL:Excel Opener"
"URL Protocol"=""
This makes an XLOPEN://
URL protocol handler thatr when invoked will run XLOPEN.VBS.
Save the following as C:\TEMP\XLOPEN.VBS
rem //get an argument like "XLOPEN://C:\null\text.xlsx/#F55" note extra /
dim arg: arg = WScript.Arguments.item(0)
dim arr: arr = (split(ucase(arg), "#"))
rem unmangle the url
dim filename: filename = replace(arr(0), "XLOPEN://", "")
if (right(filename, 1) = "/") then filename = mid(filename, 1, len(filename)-1)
dim xl: set xl = createobject("excel.application")
xl.Workbooks.Open filename
xl.visible = true
Now if you run
or use
<a href="xlopen://c:\null\test.xlsx#Q50">bla bla</a>
Windows will lookup xlopen://
and pass the string xlopen://c:\null\test.xlsx/#Q50
to XLOPEN.VBS which extracts the file path c:\null\test.xlsx1
and opens it, then selects the range after the #.
This works if called in browsers/from the shell/via the windows API, no idea if it will work in the 3rd party app. (You would replace the script with a helper exe)