You can use ADO and some code.
Here are some notes.
Let us say you get some data like so:
Sub GetMDB()
Dim cn As Object
Dim rs As Object
strFile = "C:\Docs\DBFrom.mdb"
strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strFile & ";"
Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
cn.Open strCon
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Table1"
rs.Open strSQL, cn
With Worksheets(7)
For i = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
.Cells(1, i + 1) = rs.Fields(i).Name
.Cells(2, 1).CopyFromRecordset rs
End With
End Sub
You could update the data using ADO like so:
Sub UpdateMDB()
Dim cn As Object
Dim rs As Object
''It wuld probably be better to use the proper name, but this is
''convenient for notes
strFile = Workbooks(1).FullName
''Note HDR=Yes, so you can use the names in the first row of the set
''to refer to columns
strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strFile _
& ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1"";"
Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
cn.Open strCon
''Selecting the cell that are different
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet7$] s " _
& "INNER JOIN [;Database=c:\Docs\DBFrom.mdb;].Table1 t " _
& "ON " _
& "WHERE s.Field1<>t.Field1"
rs.Open strSQL, cn, 1, 3 ''adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
''Just to see
''If Not rs.EOF Then MsgBox rs.GetString
''Editing one by one (slow)
Do While Not rs.EOF
rs.Fields("t.Field1") = rs.Fields("s.Field1")
''Batch update (faster)
strSQL = "UPDATE [;Database=c:\Docs\DBFrom.mdb;].Table1 t " _
& "INNER JOIN [Sheet7$] s " _
& "ON " _
& "SET t.Field1=s.Field1 " _
& "WHERE s.Field1<>t.Field1 "
cn.Execute strSQL
End Sub