How to call jQuery function from normal JS function? ( A + B Sample needed)
So I need a jQuery function adding varA to varB. And a JS function which could call that jQuery function sending varA and varB to It and reciving result.
How to call jQuery function from normal JS function? ( A + B Sample needed)
So I need a jQuery function adding varA to varB. And a JS function which could call that jQuery function sending varA and varB to It and reciving result.
A jQuery function is a normal JavaScript function.
function myFunction () {
function_name(); // and / or
jQuery functions are normal javascript: jQuery is just a file that includes a bunch of extremely well-written and useful javascript functions.
You can view the (100% javascript) source for the latest release here.
jQuery functions are normal javascript functions.
So, you just call it like a "normal" function like in the following example using jQuery's trim()
function isStringEmpty(str){
// jquery function
return str!==null && jQuery.trim(str).length > 0;
alert(isStringNullorEmpty("hello")); //alerts false
alert(isStringNullorEmpty("")); //alerts true