



Every time you make use of a derived table, that query is going to be executed. When using a CTE, that result set is pulled back once and only once within a single query.

Does the quote suggest that the following query will cause derived table to be executed three times ( once for each aggregate function’s call ):

  FROM (
        v.[Name] AS VendorName,
        COUNT(*) AS OrdersPlaced
    FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader AS poh
    INNER JOIN Purchasing.Vendor AS v ON poh.VendorID = v.VendorID
    GROUP BY v.VendorID, v.[Name]
  ) AS x


+2  A: 

No that should be one pass, take a look at the execution plan

here is an example where something will run for every row in table table2

    select *,(select COUNT(*) from table1 t1 where <= as Bla
     from table2 t2

Stuff like this with a running counts will fire for each row in the table2 table

+1  A: 

Probably not, but it may spool the derived results so it only needs to access it once.

In this case, there should be no difference between a CTE and derived table.

Where is the quote from?

"Where is the quote from?"
"but it may spool the derived results so it only needs to access it once." What do you mean by spool?
It may generate an internal temp table so avoid 3 reads of the derived table. "spool" is the step you'll see in a query plan
BTW, that link isn't very good. His "ugly" example is unnecessary and can be done with one derived table. A CTE just makes it look nicer, that's all. CTEs can also kill performance
thank you all for your help
+2  A: 

CTE or a nested (uncorrelated) subquery will generally have no different execution plan. Whether a CTE or a subquery is used has never had an effect on my intermediate queries being spooled.

With regard to the Tony Rogerson link - the explicit temp table performs better than the self-join to the CTE because it's indexed better - many times when you go beyond declarative SQL and start to anticipate the work process for the engine, you can get better results.

Sometimes, the benefit of a simpler and more maintainable query with many layered CTEs instead of a complex multi-temp-table process outweighs the performance benefits of a multi-table process. A CTE-based approach is a single SQL statement, which cannot be as quietly broken by a step being accidentally commented out or a schema changing.

Cade Roux