



I have Perl code:

my $s =  "The+quick+brown+fox+jumps+over+the+lazy+dog+that+is+my+dog";

I want to replace every + with space and dog with cat.

I have this regular expression:

$s =~ s/\+(.*)dog/ ${1}cat/g;

But, it only matches the first occurrence of + and last dog.

+4  A: 

Simple answer - use 2 lines!:

$s =~ s/+/ /g;

$s =~ s/dog/cat/g;

It could probably be done in one line with 'non-greedy' matching, but this should do the trick

+7  A: 

Two regular expressions might make your life a lot easier:

$s =~ s/\+/ /g;
$s =~ s/dog/cat/g;

The following matches "+," followed by a bunch of stuff, followed by "dog." Also, "+" is technically a metacharacter.

I already have two lines solution in place. What happen is i have a file with string of 100k of lines I will need to normalize it before insert into DB. I am trying to speed things up. I was under impression if I ran through regexp match one time will be faster if I have to do it two times
That seems to be the wrong impression given one of the newer answers below.
Mark Canlas
@Mark thanks; I commented on the question.

You can use the 'e' modifier to execute code in the second part of an s/// expression.

$s =~ s/(\+)|(dog)/$1 ? ' ' : 'cat'/eg;

If $1 is true, that means the \+ matched, so it substitutes a space; otherwise it substitutes "cat".

Why bother capturing dog?
Chas. Owens
this solution work great but when i ran through profile it seem that two line work faster than one line because it has to call CORE:substcont rather just CORE:subst. But anyway thank you very muchI already have two lines solution in place. What happen is i have a file with string of 100k of lines I will need to normalize it before insert into DB. I am trying to speed things up. I was under impression if I ran through regexp match one time will be faster if I have to do it two times
Chad: To keep it from running loose around the neighborhood? :) Right, no need to capture "dog". `$s =~ s/(\+)|dog/$1 ? ' ' : 'cat'/eg;`
@duenguyen: One regex is faster than two regexes **unless** the single regex is substantially more complex than either of the two regexes, as it is in this case. Using the `/e` modifier is one of the biggest regex performance killers in Perl because it allows Perl code to be run within the regex, which adds enormous complexity to it.
Dave Sherohman
+3  A: 

A hash may do what you want:


use strict;
use warnings;

my $s =  "The+quick+brown+fox+jumps+over+the+lazy+dog+that+is+my+dog";

my %replace = (
    "+" => " ",
    dog => "cat",

$s =~ s/([+]|dog)/$replace{$1}/g;

print "$s\n";

In the comments I see that you are concerned with performance, the two regex solution is more performant. This is because any solution that works for one regex will need to use captures (which slow down the regex).

Here are the results of a benchmark:

eval: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat that is my cat
hash: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat that is my cat
two: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat that is my cat
         Rate hash eval  two
hash  33184/s   -- -29% -80%
eval  46419/s  40%   -- -72%
two  165414/s 398% 256%   --

I used the following benchmark:


use strict;
use warnings;

use Benchmark;

my $s =  "The+quick+brown+fox+jumps+over+the+lazy+dog+that+is+my+dog";

my %replace = (
    "+" => " ",
    dog => "cat",

my %subs = (
    hash => sub {
        (my $t = $s) =~ s/([+]|dog)/$replace{$1}/g;
        return $t;
    two => sub {
        (my $t = $s) =~ s/[+]/ /g;
        $t =~ s/dog/cat/g;
        return $t;
    eval => sub {
        (my $t = $s) =~ s/(\+)|(dog)/$1 ? ' ' : 'cat'/eg;
        return $t;

for my $k (sort keys %subs) {
    print "$k: ", $subs{$k}(), "\n";

Benchmark::cmpthese -1, \%subs;
Chas. Owens
+1  A: 

If speed is important, you should probably stick with two lines. But when I need to do multiple substitions at once I usually care more about convenience, so I use a hash like suggested by Chas. Owens. Two advantages over the two-liner being that it's easy to modify, and it behaves like expected (e.g. when substituting "cat" for "dog" and "dog" for "cat" at the same time).

However, I am much to lazy to write the regex by hand and prefer to assemble it with join, and use map to escape stuff:


use strict;
use warnings;

my $s = "The+quick+brown+fox+jumps+over+the+lazy+dog+that+is+my+dog";

my %replace = (
    "+" => " ",
    dog => "cat",

my $regex = join "|", 
    #use quotemeta to escape special characters
    map  { quotemeta } 
    #reverse sort the keys because "ab" =~ /(a|ab)/ returns "a"
    sort { $b cmp $a } keys %replace;

#compiling the regex before using it prevents
#you from having to recompile it each time
$regex = qr/$regex/;

$s =~ s/($regex)/$replace{$1}/g;

print "$s\n";
Me myself prefer code re-ability and convenience anytime but for this special case that I am doing I have to read string that anywhere from 100k to 1Mils of line every 3 mins. Therefore I have to worry about speed or things will get clog up in the queue
duenguyen: sounds like a fun!
Chas. Owens