I am using the Google plug-in for Eclipse and have the following problem:
The project (A) consists of a GWT based GUI talking to a server running on GAE and using JPA. Additionally there is a project (B) to migrate the legacy data to the new datastore. Since these both project use a common data model, I have extracted a set of interfaces and enums into a separate project (C) and set the other two projects dependencies on it.
The Java App project (B) seems to work, but the GWT/GAE project (A) only works if I manually copy the classes into the WEB-INF/classes directory. Obviously this is only working when using the housted mode.
Anybody knows how to configure such a multi project setup in Eclipse?
Also, I am not sure if the multi project layout is the best solution. The set of common model objects is used in all 3 areas:
- user client (GWT project compiling standard folders client and shared)
- server side (providing services for GWT-RPC, uploading and different feeds)
- migration application (posting the legacy data to the upload servlet)
What are the architectural options to keep the amount of duplicated classes on minimum?