



  • package_version := $(version)x0d$(date)

    what is the x0d part between version and date vars? is it just string?

  • What $(dotin_files:.in=) does below


dotin_files       := $(shell find . -type f -name \*.in)
dotin_files       := $(dotin_files:.in=)
  • what this means $(dotin_files:=.in)


$(dotin_files): $(dotin_files:=.in)
 $(substitute) [email protected] > $@
  • can target contain multiple files?

  • what is the meaning of declaring target variable as PHONY?


.PHONY: $(dotin_files)
  • In the regex replacement code below


substitute := perl -p -e 's/@([^@]+)@/defined $$ENV{$$1} ? $$ENV{$$1} : $$&/ge'

what are $$ENV{$$1} and $$&? I guess it's Perl scope...

thanks for your time

+2  A: 

Variable Expansion

$() is variable expansion in make, this should just be string substitution - if your makefile is


then the variable package_version will expand to 1x0d1.1.10.


The syntax $(var:a=b) is a substitution reference and will expand to var with a suffix a substituted with b.

For example, in

foobar:= foo bar

$(faabar) will expand to the string faa bar.

Multiple Targets

Multiple targets in a make rule is equivalent to having n rules with a single target, eg

foo bar:foo.c bar.c
     $(CC) -o $@ $^

is equivalent to

foo:foo.c bar.c
     $(CC) -o $@ $^
bar:foo.c bar.c
     $(CC) -o $@ $^

remember that any variables here are expanded.

Phony Targets

The .PHONY target declares that a rule doesn't produce an actual file, so it will always be built. As always, variables are expanded first. In your case this will expand to something like

.PHONY: foo bar


A dollar sign is an escape character in makefiles, the $$ in your perl example is a literal $, eg substitute will be the string

perl -p -e 's/@([^@]+)@/defined $ENV{$1} ? $ENV{$1} : $&/ge'

The dollar signs here are processed by perl, and probably give environment variables (I don't know perl).

Scott Wales
@Scott Wales: thanks but not quite answering my questions. I know what is variable, PHONY and escaping...
@Michael: So then which part didn't it answer?
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
@Ignacio: it was edited after
@Scott Wales: so in accordance to my example dotin_files := $(dotin_files:.in=) will remove all .in extensions from each file name?
@Michael Correct.
Scott Wales
+1  A: 

Michael, you've been asking a lot of basic Makefile questions, and the ones you're asking now are ones you should be able to answer for yourself by experiment.

can target contain multiple files?

Try it:

dotin_files := foo.in bar.in

    @echo $@

Now try make foo.in and make bar.in. What happens?

What $(dotin_files:.in=) does

It's a substitution reference. Try it yourself and see what happens, like this:

dotin_files := foo.in bar.in
dotin_files := $(dotin_files:.in=)

    @echo $(dotin_files)

What did it do?

substitute := perl -p -e 's/@([^@]+)@/defined $$ENV{$$1} ? $$ENV{$$1} : $$&/ge'
what are $$ENV{$$1} and $$&? I guess it's Perl scope...

Let's take a look:

    @echo $(substitute)

If you want to know more about Perl, or regexs, or find, or make, or whatever, feel free to ask here, but please take a little time to try to figure it out first.

+1  A: 
  • x0d part between version and date vars, is it just string?

  • What $(dotin_files:.in=) does below
    Removes the .in from the filenames found with the shell find.

  • what this means $(dotin_files:=.in)
    I think you meant $(dotin_files:.in=). As already answered, within the variable dotin_files it replaces any occurrence of ".in" with an empty string(the part between the "=" and ")".

  • can target contain multiple files?

  • what is the meaning of declaring target variable as PHONY?
    make will ignore targets time-stamp and consider them as new thus rebuilding them each time.

  • In the regex replacement code below what are $$ENV{$$1} and $$&?

To avoid expansion of $ENV, the $ is doubled, think of '%' in C format strings, thus the string
perl -p -e 's/@([^@]+)@/defined $$ENV{$$1} ? $$ENV{$$1} : $$&/ge'
when called as a shell command will become:
perl -p -e 's/@([^@]+)@/defined $ENV{$1} ? $ENV{$1} : $&/ge'

$ENV is the perl Environment hash, $1 I think it's a backreference in the s/// regexp group.