




I am trying to output a XML file using Python and lxml

However, I notice one thing that if a tag has no text, it does not close itself. An example of this would be:

root = etree.Element('document')
rootTree = etree.ElementTree(root)
firstChild = etree.SubElement(root, 'test')

The output of this is:


I want the output to be:


So basically I want to close a tag which has no text, but is used to the attribute value. How do I do that? And also, what is such a tag called? I would have Googled it, but I don't know how to search for it.

+1  A: 

Note that <test></test> and <test/> mean exactly the same thing. What you want is for the test-tag to actually do have a text that consists in a single linebreak. However, an empty tag with no text is usually written as <test/> and it makes very little sense to insist on it to appear as <test></test>.

Oh thank you. I was not aware of that. I thought to maintain consistency, if a tag had no text but had some attribute, it was mandatory to close it.

Use lxml.html.tostring to serialize to HTML
