




Is there any solution (RDBMS or NoSQL) that can use SimpleDB as a backup?

Thanks, A.


I'm pretty sure no RDBMS can be configured to do this, and I doubt they ever will. First, SimpleDb is a quasi-competitor to commercial databases so it wouldn't make sense for most companies to build this. Second, it would have a huge negative effect on transaction performance since writing transactions to SimpleDB would probably take at least 100 times as long as writing them to disk.

Ashley Tate
Hm, interesting. I thought, because of the performance you have mentioned, the competition is not so direct and the other features of SimpleDB (data redundancy) will make it as compelling central backup solution (at least we have such a business need).
Its a backup, and SimpleDB has no locks I don't see a transaction hit, just add them to the todo list, you can throw multiple threads at it, recording transactions with an ID. Storage is cheap, too.
Tom Andersen