The second option:
doesn't follow the requirement that both parties must use their keys at the same time. Key2 must be used before Key1, but once that happens, the first party (the possessor of Key1) can wait to decipher until a time of her choosing, leaving the second party out of the loop. This may or may not be a problem for the application.
As Cocowalla's Schneier quote suggests, XOR works, unless one of the parties can get the combined key (the decryptor may be able to keep this secret) and the other key has other uses. If the keys aren't statistically independent, the speed of XOR means the key combination step is vulnerable to guided brute-forcing (decrypt
is still a bottleneck). If the keys are independent, then there's no need to figure out either partial key, nor does knowing one partial key help figure out the combined key, so a brute-force attack may as well target the combined key and ignore the parts. As caf mentions, figuring the other partial key is moot because it requires the combined key; also, you can only fire the nukes once. If one key is only used in combination with the other key (and we don't reuse passwords for different systems, right?), XOR is safe.
There are a couple of cryptographic systems that allow k-out-of-n keys to decrypt a message when used simultaneously, but I can't remember the term for them off the top of my head, and my copy of Applied Cryptography
isn't at hand.
Edit: thanks to Cocowalla, the name of the scheme is "(m,n) threshold scheme". For a visual example, read "Visual Cryptography and Bit-Plane Complexity Segmentation" by Daniel Stoleru, published in Dr. Dobbs. Visual cryptography was created by Naor and Shamir, and presented at EUROCRYPT '94 (according to Doug Stinson).
Wikipedia lists still more examples of k-out-of-n secret sharing: using n points, where the secret is an k-1 degree polynomial; using k k-hyperplanes, where the secret is the point of intersection.