



When running the "mvn test" command, the PHPUnit tests are run. The problem I have is that the setUpBeforeClass() method within a test class is not called when running the tests from maven. Does anybody know the problem? I use the last version of PHPUnit (3.3.9) available on repositories.


If i understand the docs of phpunit correct there is no setUpBeforeClass() for the 3.3.9 release only in PHPUnit 3.4.X Release i found such method.

Thank you. Then is there any method to use the PHPUnit 3.4.X with Maven for PHP? Any ideas? I tried to manually install a zip/jar file in the local repository as they say on the but it seems not to work...
What does not work? Error Message?
It seems that maven sees the PHPUnit 3.4.12 version, runs it, but I get an error. at ... 28 more[DEBUG] --- Compiling has finished.[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------[ERROR] BUILD ERRORCaused by: by: org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException:

As mentioned by @khmarbaise, support of setUpBeforeClass() has been added in PHPUnit 3.4+ (see Ticket #814) and my understanding is that you would just have to install PHPUnit 3.4+ from PEAR to get it used by Maven. Follow the install instructions.

Pascal Thivent
Thank you, Pascal. The problem is I can't get the 3.4.12 (the last version) working with maven. I tried to manually install a zip/jar file in the local repository as they say on the but it seems not to work.When running "mvn install" it gives me a build error wothout any description.[INFO] php.out: PHPUnit 3.4.12 by Sebastian Bergmann.[INFO] php.out: Time: 1 second, Memory: 4.25Mb[INFO] php.out: OK (2 tests, 2 assertions)[ERROR] Testcase: querytest.php fails.[ERROR] See log: C:\un/querytest.txt[INFO]PHPUnit 3.4.12 by Sebastian Bergmann...Any ideas?
querytest.txt content:PHPUnit 3.4.12 by Sebastian Bergmann...Time: 1 second, Memory: 4.25MbOK (2 tests, 2 assertions)
@Softy I may be wrong but I don't thing that adding PHPUnit to your local repository does change something. I understood that phpunit is an executable, installing a newer version from PEAR will make you use the newer version. Does your current version of phpunit work outside Maven? Can you test this?
Pascal Thivent
@Pascal I do have the last version (3.4.12) in place and working, I used it to test my tests before trying it with maven. So it is installed on my system. But if I don't put a dependency in the pom.xml to the phpunit it doesn't see it.
@Softy Ok, forget what I said then. So to summarize: phpunit 3.4.12 works on the command line, you can run your test with it, but it doesn't work under Maven. Is that correct? Can you try to call `mvn -X -e` to see if you get more information about the problem?
Pascal Thivent
I get something like this: (extract from huge output) - is there any way I can send you the whole output?org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException:PHPUnit 3.4.12 by Sebastian Bergmann...Time: 1 second, Memory: 4.25MbOK (2 tests, 2 assertions) in at at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.main( by:
@Softy post the output on a paster like and put the link here as comment.
Pascal Thivent
@Pascal Thank you! I've tried several other versions of PHPUnit (3.4.0/3.4.2/3.4.10) and I put here the error: (3.4.0). Hope you can see something in there.
Can anybody help? Please?