an answer to my specific question that I started with in this thread:
i cannot force to start a scheduled job, but what I can do is remove the scheduled job and start a new job with a delay of 0 seconds.
addScheduledJobAfterDelay() return a string that represents the job id. i can use it to remove the scheduled job. The problem is that there is no way to know if I'm interrupting the scheduled job or not. Executors do provide that information. that is why Executors are better choice in this specific case then using the red5 scheduling service.
how to remove a scheduled job (red5):
ISchedulingService scheduler = (ISchedulingService) getScope().getContext().getBean(ISchedulingService.BEAN_NAME);
the string ScheduleJobString
should be replaced with the string that you have received from creating the job:
String scheduleJobString = scheduler.addScheduledOnceJob(DelayInSeconds*1000,new MyJob());