Has anyone done this or attempted to do this for a preexisting project?
It seems there are two options to go with here, either using the embedded EJB API basically the following class
Which expects a configured glassfish v3 install to be available (application scoped resources will make this easier).
The alternative is using the embedded glassfish jar files and the embedded glassfish API
I am looking for feedback from someone who has or who is in the process of doing this, links to blogs etc with a simple EJB & test case are dime a dozen.
If you've done this with any other EJB 3.1 container feel free to share.
- Did you use any particular test framework for reasons other than it been your preferred tool?
- Which JPA 2.0 implementation did you use, and was there a particular reason for doing so?
- If you used glassfish which of the above strategies did you use? If not then which EJB 3.1 container did you use?
- If you successfully did this, was it worth the effort and would you do this again for another existing project?