



I have a rails 2.3.5 application with an API I wish to protect.

There is no user - it is an app to app style webservice (more like an Amazon service than facebook), and so I would like to implement it using a two-legged OAuth approach.

I have been trying to use the oauth-plugin server implementation as a start:

...but it is built expecting three-legged (web redirect flow) oauth.

Before I dig deeper into making changes to it to support two-legged, I wanted to see if there was an easier way, or if someone had a better approach for a rails app to implement being a two-legged OAuth provider.

+2  A: 

I'm not aware of any alternatives to oauth-plugin at the moment, though it is definitely getting long in the tooth and ripe for a replacement. My recommendation is to generate the oauth server from oauth-plugin, then extract the dependencies from the plugin (which are just a couple modules worth of methods) and trash the plugin. Then tweak everything to your needs. 2-legged oauth should not be a big problem since it is simpler than 3-legged anyway, and my feeling is that oauth-plugin is not usable these days without significant modifications anyway.

The meat of OAuth has long been extracted into the base oauth gem anyway, so the oauth-plugin is sort of in limbo. The architecture makes some heavy-handed assumptions about what authentication system you are using, and the generated code is dated. So to me, oauth-plugin serves more as an example of how to wire everything up rather than something that most sites would want to use out of the box.

good advice. I think I'll be ripping out just what I need from the plugin. Since the signature for two-legged request looks alot like the signature on an initial request for a token, I was able to base two-legged auth on that (verify_oauth_consumer_signature in particular).
Andrew Kuklewicz
ok - got it working, and cleaned out most of the plugin. Will release a gist/branch for this when I get a chance.
Andrew Kuklewicz

@Andrew - I am encountering a similar situation. Do you have the cleaned plugin in git-hub?

I haven't - let me see if I can get to that soon.
Andrew Kuklewicz