I found the answer after searchting the web as well as fiddling with Expression 3 a little as well.
It turns out that a live audio stream has markers that are sent across as well as the audio. Markers can contain almost anything but one is called a "Caption". The caption is basically a free-form string field that you can read. With my stream the encoder sends a lot of information across as a caption that can then be broken down. So here is the code I am using:
Starts with registering a few events, the last one is the important one.
public MainPage()
this.mediaElement1.BufferingProgressChanged += new RoutedEventHandler(mediaElement1_BufferingProgressChanged);
this.mediaElement1.MarkerReached += new TimelineMarkerRoutedEventHandler(mediaElement1_MarkerReached);
Then the actual marker handler does the following:
private void mediaElement1_MarkerReached(object sender, TimelineMarkerRoutedEventArgs e)
Dictionary<string, string> songAttribs = new Dictionary<string, string>();
string playerFeed = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(e.Marker.Text);
char[] delims = { '&' };
string[] Attribs = playerFeed.Split(delims);
foreach (String attrib in Attribs)
string[] keypair = attrib.Split('=');
string key = "";
string value = "";
key = keypair[0];
key = null;
if (key != null)
value = keypair[1];
value = "";
songAttribs.Add(keypair[0], keypair[1]);
nowplaying.Title = songAttribs["title"];
nowplaying.Artist = songAttribs["artist"];
nowplaying.Duration = 0;
this.label2.Content = "Artist: " + nowplaying.Artist;
this.label3.Content = "Title: " + nowplaying.Title;
this.label1.Content = playerFeed;
Still working on some of the code but so far things seem to be working.