I have a flash projector file that is going on a CD-ROM. One section is just a simple list of links to useful websites. These links were created by adding URLs in the properties box to static text. The projector is running in full screen mode and was made using Flash CS3.
This is the behaviour when running the flash projector app in Windows:
The links open fine, if the browser isn't running in the background. The browser window opens and gains focus. I'd be better if the flash app remained in full screen mode, but that is not the main problem.
If a browser has been opened, the links will open in the browser, but the window will remain behing the flash app and the user will be oblivious and think the link hasn't worked.
Is there a way to make the browser window gain focus when you click on a link in flash, and does anyone know if this is something that has been fixed in CS4?
Thanks for your help.