I have a simple python script for fetching tweets and caching them to disk that is configured to run every two minutes via cron.
*/2 * * * * (date ; /usr/bin/python /path/get_tweets.py) >> /path/log/get_tweets.log 2>&1
The script runs successfully most of the time. However, every so often the script doesn't execute. In addition to other logging, I added a simple print statement above the meat of the script and nothing except the output from the initial date command makes it to the log.
# Script for Fetching Tweets and then storing them as an HTML snippet for inclusion using SSI
print "Starting get_tweets.py"
import simplejson as json
import urllib2
import httplib
import re
import calendar
import codecs
import os
import rfc822
from datetime import datetime
import time
import sys
import pprint
debug = True
now = datetime.today()
template = u'<p class="tweet">%s <span class="date">on %s</span></p>'
html_snippet = u''
timelineUrl = 'http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=gcorne&count=7'
tweetFilePath = '/path/server-generated-includes/tweets.html'
if(debug): print "[%s] Fetching tweets from %s." % (now, timelineUrl)
def getTweets():
request = urllib2.Request(timelineUrl)
opener = urllib2.build_opener()
tweets = opener.open(request)
print "[%s] HTTP Request %s failed." % (now, timelineUrl)
tweets = tweets.read()
return tweets
def exitScript():
print "[%s] Script failed." % (now)
tweets = getTweets()
now = datetime.today()
if(debug): print "[%s] Tweets retrieved." % (now)
tweets = json.loads(tweets)
for tweet in tweets:
text = tweet['text'] + ' '
when = tweet['created_at']
when = re.match(r'(\w+\s){3}', when).group(0).rstrip()
# print GetRelativeCreatedAt(when)
# convert links
text = re.sub(r'(http://.*?)\s', r'<a href="\1">\1</a>', text).rstrip()
#convert hashtags
text = re.sub(r'#(\w+)', r'<a href="http://www.twitter.com/search/?q=%23\1">#\1</a>', text)
# convert @ replies
text = re.sub(r'@(\w+)', r'@<a href="http://www.twitter.com/\1">\1</a>', text)
html_snippet += template % (text, when) + "\n"
#print html_snippet
now = datetime.today()
if(debug): print "[%s] Opening file %s." % (now, tweetFilePath)
file = codecs.open(tweetFilePath, 'w', 'utf_8')
print "[%s] File %s cound not be opened." % (now, tweetFilePath)
now = datetime.today()
if(debug): print "[%s] Writing %s to disk." % (now, tweetFilePath)
now = datetime.today()
if(debug): print "[%s] Finished writing %s to disk." % (now, tweetFilePath)
Any ideas? The system is a VPS running Centos 5.3 with python 2.4.
Update: I have added the entire script to avoid any confusion.