Does anyone know what's the replacement method for FB.CanvasClient.startTimerToSizeToContent() to resize iframe content in the new javascript SDK for Facebook?
Or maybe if there is an alternative technique for achieving the same effect?
Does anyone know what's the replacement method for FB.CanvasClient.startTimerToSizeToContent() to resize iframe content in the new javascript SDK for Facebook?
Or maybe if there is an alternative technique for achieving the same effect?
This function is useful if you know your content will change size, but you don't know when. There will be a slight delay, so if you know when your content changes size, you should call setSize yourself (and save your user's CPU cycles).
window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
If you ever need to stop the timer, just pass false.
If you want the timer to run at a different interval, you can do that too.
Note: If there is only 1 parameter and it is a number, it is assumed to be the interval.
Name Type Description
onOrOff Boolean Whether to turn the timer on or off. true == on, false == off. default is true
interval Integer How often to resize (in ms). default is 100ms