I know that to find all the h files I need to use: find . -name "*.h" but how to find all the h AND cpp files?
This only returns files whose names are exactly '.h' or '.cpp'. A wildcard is required to work as desired: find -name "*.h" -or -name "*.cpp"
2008-11-10 15:07:01
Paul Tomblin Has Already provided a terrific answer, but I thought I saw a pattern in what you were doing.
Chances are you'll be using find to generate a file list to process with grep one day, and for such task there exists a much more user friendly tool, Ack
Works on any system that supports perl, and searching through all C++ related files in a directory recursively for a given string is as simple as
ack "int\s+foo" --cpp
by default matches .cpp .cc .cxx .m .hpp .hh .h .hxx
( It also skips repository dirs by default so wont match on files that happen to look like files in them )
Kent Fredric
2008-11-10 15:39:25
find . -regex ".*.[cChH](pp)?" -print
This tested fine for me in cygwin.
Lyle Snodgrass
2010-10-04 20:31:16