




Hi, for some odd reason the text area I have in my site won't accept the width I tell it to, I've tried to select it three times in the CSS just to make sure!

Here is a jsfiddle example that shows what I want, and here is the page where it doesn't want to work. I have searched through the CSS to find any conflicting textarea properties, but there are none.

Thanks for the help!

Edit: If you have Firebug, don't forget about it, and use it!

+2  A: 

You have min-width: 40em for all textarea elements.

Aha, I didn't know that. thanks :)
Kyle Sevenoaks
+3  A: 

In one of your CSS files, you specified textarea { min-width: 40em; }.

Delan Azabani
Yeah, I didn't specify that but it was there, time to talk to some colleagues. Thanks :)
Kyle Sevenoaks
No problem! I picked that up real quick only with Firebug (a Firefox addon letting you inspect CSS/DOM/JavaScript) - it's really useful.
Delan Azabani
Yeah, I have that too, should have used it!
Kyle Sevenoaks