



I'm trying to find the name of the class that contains method code.

In the example underneath I use self.__class__.__name__, but of course this returns the name of the class of which self is an instance and not class that contains the test() method code. b.test() will print 'B' while I would like to get 'A'.

I looked into the inspect module documentation but did not find anything directly useful.

class A:
  def __init__(self):
  def test(self):
    print self.__class__.__name__

class B(A):
  def __init__(self):

a = A()
b = B()

+3  A: 

inspect.getmro gives you a tuple of the classes where the method might come from, in order. As soon as you find one of them that has the method's name in its dict, you're done:

for c in inspect.getmro(self.__class__):
    if 'test' in vars(c): break
return c.__name__
Alex Martelli
Unfortunately that gives you the name of the first class in the MRO that has an attribute with that name, which is not necessarily the same as the method you're doing this from (if your method is farther down the MRO.)
Thomas Wouters
Nice solution, but as Thomas mentions it does not work when `class B` overrides the `test()` method: class A: def __init__(self): pass def test(self): import inspect for c in inspect.getmro(self.__class__): if 'test' in vars(c): break print c.__name__ class B(A): def __init__(self): A.__init__(self) def test(self): A.test(self) a = A()b = B()a.test() # prints Ab.test() # prints B
sorry for the mess in previous comment. This is my first stackoverflow comment and I was not aware of the inability to add code in comments.
@kdlp, when class B overrides `test`, then calling `test` on an instance of B does run the code in `B.test`, so B **is** "the class that contains the method code" being executed. That's what you're asking for!
Alex Martelli
@Thomas, I don't understand your comment -- the class that contains the method code for `someinstance.test()` _is_ the first one defining `test` along the MRO (that code may delegate to other functions, including one or more superclasses' versions of some other method with the same name, but "the method code" for `test` is that "first one", quite apart from what other methods or functions it chooses to call).
Alex Martelli
If `class A:` and `class B(A):` both define the method `test`, and `A.test`, not `B.test`, tries your method of looking up "its own class", it finds `B`, *not* `A`.
Thomas Wouters
@Thomas, exactly. What I don't get is why this behavior is supposed to be wrong: it finds exactly the same class (defining `test`) as Python attribute access does.
Alex Martelli
Indeed it does, but that doesn't mean it's the answer the OP wanted :) The OP quite clearly asked for "the class *this method* is defined in", not "the most derived class that defines a method with this name".
Thomas Wouters
+5  A: 

In Python 3.x, you can simply use __class__.__name__. The __class__ name is mildly magic, and not the same thing as the __class__ attribute of self.

In Python 2.x, there is no good way to get at that information. You can use stack inspection to get the code object, then walk the class hierarchy looking for the right method, but it's slow and tedious and will probably break when you don't want it to. You can also use a metaclass or a class decorator to post-process the class in some way, but both of those are rather intrusive approaches. And you can do something really ugly, like accessing self.__nonexistant_attribute, catching the AttributeError and extracting the class name from the mangled name. None of those approaches are really worth it if you just want to avoid typing the name twice; at least forgetting to update the name can be made a little more obvious by doing something like:

class C:
    def report_name(self):
        print C.__name__
Thomas Wouters
+2  A: 

Use __dict__ of class object itself:

class A(object):
    def foo(self):

class B(A):

def find_decl_class(cls, method):
    if method in cls.__dict__:
        return cls
    for b in cls.__bases__:
        decl = find_decl_class(b, method)
        if decl:
            return decl

print 'foo' in A.__dict__
print 'foo' in B.__dict__
print find_decl_class(B, 'foo').__name__

Will print True, False, A

This has the same problem as Alex's MRO solution.
Thomas Wouters
Agree. But if it is known in advance that there will be just single-class inheritance, solution is OK and simple. Thanks for the note.
+1  A: 

You can use (abuse?) private name mangling to accomplish this effect. If you look up an attribute on self that starts with __ from inside a method, python changes the name from __attribute to _classThisMethodWasDefinedIn__attribute.

Just somehow stash the classname you want in mangled-form where the method can see it. As an example, we can define a __new__ method on the base class that does it:

def mangle(cls, attrname):
    if not attrname.startswith('__'):
        raise ValueError('attrname must start with __')
    return '_%s%s' % (cls.__name__, attrname)

class A(object):

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        obj = object.__new__(cls)
        for c in cls.mro():
            setattr(obj, mangle(c, '__defn_classname'), c.__name__)
        return obj

    def __init__(self):

    def test(self):
        print self.__defn_classname

class B(A):

    def __init__(self):

a = A()
b = B()


which prints:

Matt Anderson

You can do

>>> class A(object):
...   def __init__(self):
...     pass
...   def test(self):
...     for b in self.__class__.__bases__:
...       if hasattr(b, 'test'):
...         return b.__name__
...     return self.__class__.__name__
>>> class B(A):
...   def __init__(self):
...     A.__init__(self)
>>> B().test()
>>> A().test()

Keep in mind that you could simplify it by using __class__.__base__, but if you use multiple inheritance, this version will work better.

It simply checks first on its baseclasses for test. It's not the prettiest, but it works.
